Friday, August 16, 2013


Cassandra Clare to Visit CBS on Sunday Morning

This Sunday (August, 18) Cassandra Clare will pay a visit to CBS. Cassandra Clare's interview with Serena Altschul will air at 9:00 am ET on "Good Morning With Charles Osgood" on CBS.
"I think I'm writing for, like, the imaginary me," Clare tells Altschul. "You know, like, I'm writing the book that I would have wanted when I was 17 years old."Clare, whose real name is Judy Rumelt, started writing City of Bones in a tiny Brooklyn closet that served as her bedroom. She worked at the Hollywood Reporter during the day and wrote the novel when she was off. The inspiration for her first book came from walking around New York City after the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks, she tells Altschul.
"It felt like New York was at war," she says. "And I remember thinking... how I kind of wished there was a magical race of people who could protect the city. You know? And I think that was where I got the first idea of maybe I could create a world in which there were these - sort of - Supernatural protectors."
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