Showing posts with label City of Lost Souls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City of Lost Souls. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013


'THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS' 4th Week at #1 on New York Times Best Sellers Series

    The Mortal Instruments series has been on the New York Times Best Sellers (Series) for 95 weeks. Including next week: 96! On top of that, The Mortal Instruments is still #1 on the list; that's four weeks straight that The Mortal Instruments has been #1! Major congratulations for Cassandra Clare are in need. Let's keep the streak going! ...

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Becoming Sebastian Verlac

This is a short piece about how Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern became Sebastian Verlac in City of Glass. It was a very small bar, on a narrow sloping street in a walled town full of shadows. Jonathan Morgenstern had been sitting at the bar for at least a quarter of an hour, finishing a leisurely drink, before he got to his feet and slipped down the long, rickety flight of wooden stairs to the club. The sound of the music seemed to be trying to...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


A Question of Power

A Short Story which Alec and Camille talk about Magnus “Tell me more,” Alec said, pacing up and down the concrete floor of the abandoned subway station at City Hall. “I need to know.”Camille looked at the boy in front of her. She was lounging on the scarlet divan she had furnished the small space with; it had a soft velvet nap, though was worn in places. Not the finest furnishing she had ever known; and a transit station below Manhattan hardly...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


City of Lost Souls is Hollywood Crush's Favorite YA Novel 2012

City of Lost Souls wins Hollywood Crush's Favorite YA of 2012 After a few weeks of voting, City of Lost Souls becomes Hollywood Crush Readers' Favourite YA Novel! Check out the poll result! Here's what Hollywood Crush had to say about The Mortal Instruments: Shadowhunters not only look better in black—they look better atop the leaderboard too. After a week of feverish...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


City of Lost Souls Makes Indigo's 2012 List

City of Lost Souls is on Indigo's Best of Teen 2012 list The Mortal Instruments makes the list along with: The Fault in Our Stars, The Raven Boys, The Diviners,Cinder, Seraphina, Insurgent, Beautiful Redemption, Grave Mercy, Unspoken, Such Wicked Intent, Pandemonium. Here's what Indigo had to say about City of Lost Souls: City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. We always love catching up with the Shadow Hunters—and City...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Stephen's Letter to Jace

SPECIAL CONTENT from City of Lost Souls BARNES AND NOBLE will be carrying their own special edition. It will contain a letter from Stephen Herondale (Jace’s real father) to Jace, written before he died. It will be detachable and affixed to the back of the book. To my son, If you are reading this letter, then I am dead. I expect to die, if not today, then soon. I expect that Valentine will kill me. For all his talk of loving me, for all his desire...


WELL, HERE ’TIS. THE DSCS.(DIRTY SEXY CLUB SCENE) FROM CITY OF LOST SOULS. Now keep in mind a version of this does still exist in the books, but it is much less . . . well. You’ll see. I wrote this in Mexico, probably having had too much mezcal, and I was trying to capture a mood of really dark, tipping over the edge sensuality, doing things that are probably a bad idea, you get the picture. I also recall reading bits of this aloud to Holly Black,...

The Stuff of Heaven

"A little present for trending #weareshadowhunters A present! Family stuff prevented me from working on the Will vs. Ducks story today, so instead I’m giving you a cut scene from City of Lost Souls. It isn’t in the final book, but it does … illuminate some of the character dynamics. Spoilery so if you’re avoiding all spoilers, do not click!" -Cassandra Clare Clary was in Jace’s room when he and Sebastian returned to the house. She had found very...

A Sea Change

Outtake from City of Lost Souls Maia was waiting for them in MacCarren Park, on one of the narrow paths dusted with the skeletons of fallen leaves. She wore a gray leather jacket and a soft pink hat, pulled down over her ears, from which her wildly curling hair escaped in a golden-brown halo. She waved tentatively as they neared her; the first words out of her mouth were: “Did you hear about Luke?” They all nodded — Simon had told Isabelle and...

And Immortality

Deleted scene from the Seelie Court in CoLS This time, when Clary rang the bell, instead of finding themselves in the dark corridor before the Queen’s chamber, she and Simon landed in a dank, mildew-smelling cave, the walls trickling with cold water, the ground muddy and brown beneath their feet. Several passages led off what seemed to be the main chamber. As she turned, Clary’s boots slipped on the wet stone, and she caught Simon’s arm to steady...