Showing posts with label The Bane Chronicles snippet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Bane Chronicles snippet. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Check out this Excerpt from 'What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything'

In case you missed it, the next installment of The Bane Chronicles was released last week. And because Cassandra Clare accidentally missed the release, she's making up for it by giving us an excerpt: Magnus had been interested by Clary, the little redheaded scrap who had grown into a—slightly bigger little redheaded scrap, but had not thought he would be terribly...

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Nov. 3: New BANE CHRONICLES Snippet from Cassandra Clare

The next installment for The Bane Chronicles will be out in about a week! Check out this long snippet from What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything: (And Who You're Not Officially Dating Anyways). “How have you been keeping? You know, since the last time you summoned me,” said Elyaas, the demon. “What?” Magnus asked. “You don’t remember me?” said the tentacle...

Thursday, September 26, 2013


A New Unidentified Snippet With Someone "Dying in [Someone's] Arms"

Cassandra Jean Cassandra Clare has released a new snippet. The catch is that is it an unidentified snippet, so we don't know which one of her beloved characters is dying! "Well, it’s a bit ironic, isn’t it?""What do you mean?""All that effort to convince you I wasn’t in love with you, and here I am, dying in your arms." Have any guesses? Let us know in the comment...

Friday, September 13, 2013


Sept. 13: New BANE CHRONICLES Snippet from the Sixth Installment, SAVING RAPHAEL SANTIAGO

Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan are both so excited in getting Michael Trevino to read the next installment of The Bane Chronicles, that Cassandra Clare has released a new snippet for Saving Raphael Santiago. Check it out: Raphael, Magnus saw with an ever-growing sense of unease, was looking at that blazingly bright hole in the ceiling. “They’re all dead,”...

Monday, June 10, 2013


June 10: New BANE CHRONICLES Snippet Featuring Edmund and Magnus

Place holder art for Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale “I was very stupid,” Edmund said, almost violently. “I thought of love as a game. It is not a game. It is more serious than death. Without Linette, I might as well be dead.” “You speak of giving up your Shadowhunter nature,” said Magnus softly. “One can give up many things for love, but one should not give up...

Thursday, May 9, 2013


'The Bane Chronicles: Runaway Queen' Sneak-Peek From the Shadowhunter App

In February, the Shadowhunter App gave us the first chapter of The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Princess. This time, the Shadowhunter App has an exclusive sneak-peek to The Bane Chronicles: Runaway Queen. Download the Shadowhunter App for: Andriod or Apple users. Here's a snippet from the preview: There was a smell to Paris in the summer mornings that Magnus...

Thursday, April 18, 2013


'The Bane Chronicles' Snippets Revealed at the #BaneChroniclesChat

Sarah, Cassie, Maureen all got together with us to chat about The Bane Chronicles online. Here's a snippet from Run Away Queen at the chat: Magnus was taking an unfamiliar route, one that took him through quite a rough patch of Paris. The road here was not as smooth. It was brutally hot inside of his cabriolet as it bumped its way along. Magnus had animated one of his magnificent Chinese fans, and it flapped ineffectively at him,...

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Mar. 31: New 'Bane Chronicles' Snippet in Celebration of Finishing an Instalment (Clockwork Princess Spoilers)

In celebration of Cassie and Sarah finishing an installment of The Bane Chronicles, Sarah and Cassie gave us a snippet! (Proceed with Caution: There is a Clockwork Princess spoiler) James had not seemed to want to be taken from the cold depths of the water: had fought Magnus as he dragged him out, then laid his pale cheek against the dank earth of the riverbank, and hid his face in his arms...

Friday, March 29, 2013


Mar. 29: New 'The Bane Chronicles' Snippet (Spoilers for Clockwork Princess)

There is a Clockwork Princess spoiler, advance with caution! This boy had pale amber eyes, like a crystal glass filled brimful with crisp white wine and held up to catch the light of the sun. Magnus could not imagine these eyes as tender. The boy was lovely, but his was a beauty like that Helen of Troy might have had once, disaster written in every line. The light of his beauty made Magnus think of cities burning. Fog and gaslight receded...

Monday, March 11, 2013


March 10: New 'Bane Chronicles' snippet

“You’re quite wrong, you know. I am the most permanent person,” said Magnus, his voice breathless with laughter and his eyes stung a little by tears, “that you will ever meet. It is only that it never makes any difference.” Which installment do you think this snippet belongs to? To see the list of all the installments, click her...

Monday, February 18, 2013


Feb. 18: New Unidentified Snippet (An Enemy's Weakness)

They said it was better to know your enemy, but how did it help to know that your enemy’s one weakness was your weakness, too? (via tumblr) What book do you think this snippet is fro...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Feb 12: A London related unidentified snippet

“Take London, my love, and turn it all to blood,” she said. “My gift to you.” (via tumblr) Don't be fooled by the word "London," this snippet could come from either The Bane Chronicles, City of Heavenly Fire, or Lady Midnight (Dark Artifices #1) too.  What do you thin...

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Feb. 3rd: New Unidentified Snippet

What if I just love you? What if I love you but I never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then? (via tumblr) Where do you think this snippet is from? Clockwork Princess? City of Heavenly Fire? Lady Midnight? Or The Bane Chronicle...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Jan. 9th, New Bane Chronicle Snippet

Snippet written by Sarah Rees Brennan from The Bane Chronicles You could not tell a potential customer, expecting a learned and ancient magician, that you were not even fully grown. Magnus had started lying about his age young, and never dropped the habit. It did get a little embarrassing sometimes when he forgot what lie he’d told to who. Someone had once asked him...

Monday, December 31, 2012


Dec: 31, 1st Bane Chronicles snippet

The Bane Chronicles: What Really Happened in Peru by Sarah Rees Brennan and Cassandra Clare “Just don’t leave me here,” said Ragnor. “You have to swear, Bane.” Magnus raised his eyebrows. “I give you my word of honor!” “I mean it,” Ragnor told him. “I will find you. I will find whatever chest of absurd clothes you have brought with you. And I will bring a llama into the place where you sleep and make sure that it urinates on everything in the...