Showing posts with label Set Diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Set Diary. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2013


Cassandra Clare's Set Diary from The Mortal Instruments: Day 5

Teen has been so nice by sharing Cassie's Set Diary from The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Now, we are on Day 5 featuring Cassie as a Demon Cat. Day Five: Friday Because I am actually in a scene today, I have to show up early for costume and makeup and hair. I pass Robbie on the way to set — most parts of sets are unglamorous, back alleys and loading docks and that...

Friday, March 22, 2013


Cassandra Clare's Set Diary from 'City of Bones': Day 4

 Check out the whole list of Cassandra Clare's set diary over at On day 4 we get some Magnus (Godfrey Gao) and some more Izzy (Jemima West)! Day Four: ThursdayToday is a really late start day because shooting went late the night before, and there’s a mandated 12-hour turnaround for cast and crew so everyone can sleep. It’s also the day we have Grace, who...

Friday, March 15, 2013


Cassandra Clare's Set Diary from The Mortal Instruments: Day 3

Teen has been releasing journal entries from Cassandra Clare's Set Diary. On day 1 on it was all about the set, on day 2 it mainly about Simon (Robert Sheehan). Now, on day 3, it's all about Isabelle (Jemima West). Day Three: WednesdayI’m in Video Village. Jemima, hair as yet undyed, comes over to show off her Marks.I discover that all meals served on a movie set are...

Friday, March 8, 2013


Cassandra Clare’s Diary from ‘The Mortal Instruments’ Set: Day 2 from

In February, released Cassandra Clare's Set Diary from City of Bones: Day 1. Now, just in time for March Break, reveals Day 2 from Cassandra Clare's Set Diary. Last time we got a look at Lily (Clary), this time Teen treats us with a some Robbie (Simon): The production has a transport department, which means drivers who pick everyone up...

Friday, March 1, 2013


Cassandra Clare’s Diary from ‘The Mortal Instruments’ Set: Day 1 from

Teen was lucky enough to go on the set of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and now, they have the set from the prospective of Cassandra Clare. Day One: MondayI show up on the set actually the first week that they are shooting entirely in-studio and not on location. The studio is an old glass factory, so it has a lot of room inside — the production offices. There...