Thursday, June 27, 2013


New 'Mortal Instruments: CITY OF BONES' German Trailer With New Footage

A few weeks ago, MSN released the UK trailer for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Now, Constantin Film releases the German trailer. There is new footage and although it is not in English, it still looks really cool/awesome and amazing!! And there is a certain kiss...

Thanks to TMISource, we have a transcript of the trailer:
Hodge (voiceover): You live your life, ordinary, normal, but the truth cannot be kept from you forever. There is a world hidden in our own, ancient, secret, dangerous.

Jace: You’re not a mundane.
Clary: What’s a mundane?
Jace: Someone from the human world.
Clary: If I’m not human then what am I?

Hodge (voiceover): Humanity is on the brink of extinction.
Jace: I hunt demons in their varying different forms all over the world.

Hodge (voiceover): And the key to our survival lies in your hands. To fulfil your destiny, you have to unlock your past.
Madame Dorothea: Your mother was a Shadowhunter, like him, like you.
Hodge (voiceover): And discover your true powers.
Simon: That’s a rune. Runes make you invisible, stong. They heal you.
Alec: What do you want with her?

Jace: She is different.
Alec: She is gonna get us all killed.
Hodge: A battle against evil can never be won but has to be always fought.
Isabelle: There’s too many of them.
Jace: Have a little faith.

Valentine: The world will be ours.
Hodge (voiceover): The rune that mends a broken heart is the most painful one.

Jace: You have an incredible gift, we need you. I need you.

Hodge: The stories that you were told about monsters, nightmares – they are all true.
What do you think about this new trailer?
Did you see the Clary and Jace kiss? If you missed it, we've got you covered; we made a gif:
from TMICanada's tumblr page


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