Sunday, November 24, 2013

Check out this Excerpt from 'What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything'

In case you missed it, the next installment of The Bane Chronicles was released last week. And because Cassandra Clare accidentally missed the release, she's making up for it by giving us an excerpt:
Magnus had been interested by Clary, the little redheaded scrap who had grown into a—slightly bigger little redheaded scrap, but had not thought he would be terribly interested in the companions she had found for herself. Not the nondescript mundane boy; not golden-eyed Jace Wayland, who reminded Magnus of too much of a past that he would rather forget; and certainly not either of the Lightwood siblings, the dark boy and girl whose parents Magnus had good reason to dislike.
It made no sense that his eyes had been drawn to Alec, over and over again. Alec had hung to the back of their little group, had made no effort to attract the eye. He had striking coloring, the rare combination of black hair and blue eyes that had always been Magnus’s favorite, and Magnus supposed that was why he had looked in Alec’s direction at first. Strange to see the coloringthat had so distinguished Will and his sister, so many miles and years gone by, and on someone with an entirely different last name …
Then Alec had smiled at one of Magnus’s jokes, and the smile had lit a lamp in his solemn face, making his blue eyes brilliant, and briefly taking Magnus’s breath away. And when Magnus’s attention had been held, he’d seen a flicker of returned interest in Alec’s eyes, a mixture of guilt, intrigue, and pleasure at Magnus’s attention. Shadowhunters were old-fashioned about such matters, which was to say bigoted and hidebound, as they were about everything. Magnus had been approached by male Shadowhunters before, of course, but always in a hole-and-corner way, always as if they’d been doing Magnus some huge favor and as if Magnus’s touch, though desired, might sully them. (Magnus had always turned them down.) It had been a shock to see such feelings open and innocent on a beautiful boy’s face.
When Magnus had winked at Alec and told him to call him, it had been a reckless impulse, little more than a whim. He had certainly not expected the Shadowhunter on his doorstep a few days later, asking for a date. Nor had he expected the date to go so spectacularly bizarrely, or expected to like Alec quite so much afterward…

CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE could be the 'Saddest and Happiest' book of 2014

According to Cassandra Clare's assistant, the final book to The Mortal Instruments has the saddest and happiest endings she read.
Could City of Heavenly Fire be the heartbreak of 2014?
On the bright side, if you're lucky, Cassandra Clare might visit your area and you can gather happiness from that.
Which towns do you hope Cassandra Clare will visit? Sound off in the comments!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Congrats to 'THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS' MOVIE Facebook Page for Reaching 1 Million 'Likes'

Big congrats to The Mortal Instruments Facebook page for getting 1 million facebook fans!
Shadowhunters, we are now one million strong! Thank you for joining the fight against evil
Our family is getting bigger! Hopefully, before the next movie comes out, The Mortal Instruments movie can get another 1 million fans. Make sure to share/talk about The Mortal Instruments with your friends and family. (Buying the book would be a great Christmas present and an excellent way to get your friends hooked!)

Visual 'CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE' Snippet by Cassandra Clare and Cassandra Jean

Cassandra Clare sent Cassandra Jean -one of the illustrator from The Shadowhunter's Codex- a snippet from The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire. With Cassandra Clare's permission, Cassandra Jean has illustrated part of the snippet and shared it with all of us! Check it out:

E! Online Asks "Which Fanchise has the Fiercest Heroine?"

Check it out, E! Online is asking which heroine out of Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, Divergent and The Mortal Instruments has the strongest heroine.
Here is what E! Online has to say about our Clary Fray:
Clary Fray, The Mortal Instruments (Lily Collins)

Strengths: The Shadowhunter can see monsters mortals can't—which comes in handy when they're trying to kill her and the people she loves. Clary also possesses the ability to create new runes because of the extra angel blood running through her veins.

Weaknesses: Clary can be quite stubborn at times. Not long after her mother goes missing, she learns that her father, Jonathan Rhys Meyers' Valentine Morgenstern, has been experimenting on the Downworlders and demons, making him one of the most dangerous men she's ever encountered. For a time, she even believed that that her boyfriend, Jamie Campbell Bower's Jace Lightwood, might be her biological brother. Talk about a head-trip!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov 20: Parabatai Talk in a New CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE Snippet

A parabatai. Like he was. And Jace knew, too, what that faded rune meant: a parabatai whose other half was dead. He felt his sympathy leap toward Brother Zachariah, as he imagined himself without Alec, with only that faded rune to remind him where once he had been bonded to someone who knew all the best and worst parts of his soul.
via tumblr

Thursday, November 7, 2013

CLOCKWORK PRINCESS Named #1 on Young Adult Magazine's Top Ten YA Books 2013

Young Adult Magazine has named Clockwork Princess as the number one YA books of 2013. A lot of great books were in the running, including: Julia Kegawa's The Eternity Cure, Marissa Meyer's Scarlet, so a congrats to Cassandra Clare! Here's what YA Magazine had to say:
It's been a wild and crazy ride for the YA world in 2013. There have been amazing, wonderful new books--new friends to love, worlds to explore, and battles to fight.
Here at YA Mag, we've prepared a fond farewell to YA 2013 with our Top 10 Biggest and Best YA Novels. These are the most talked about and/or well-received... and you should totally check them out!
Check out all the other contenders and make sure you vote Clockwork Princess for Goodreads' Best YA Fiction & Fantasy 2013 too!