Thursday, April 11, 2013


2 New Titles and 1 New Installment for 'The Bane Chronicles'

The Midnight Heir (The Bane Chronicles Part #4)

A new short story to The Bane Chronicles:

In Edwardian London, Magnus Bane discovers old friends and new enemies—including the son of his former comrade Will Herondale. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles.

Magnus thought he would never return to London, but he is lured by a handsome offer from Tatiana Blackthorn, whose plans—involving her beautiful young ward—are far more sinister than Magnus even suspects. In London at the turn of the century, Magnus finds old friends, and meets a very surprising young man . . . the sixteen-year-old James Herondale.

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The Rise of the Hotel Dumort has been changed to The Rise and Fall of the Hotel Dumort (The Bane Chronicles Part #5)

So instead of having The Rise of Hotel Dumort (The Bane Chronicles Part #4) and then The Fall of Hotel Dumort (The Bane Chronicles Part #5). They have combined the two.

Magnus Bane watches the once-glamorous Hotel Dumont become something else altogether in 1970s New York City. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles.Fifty years after the Jazz Age rise of the Hotel Dumont, immortal warlock Magnus Bane knows the Manhattan landmark is on the decline. The once-beautiful Hotel Dumont has fallen into a decayed thing, a ruin, as dead as a place can be. But the vampires don’t mind…

This standalone e-only short story illuminates the life of the enigmatic Magnus Bane, whose alluring personality populates the pages of the #1New York Times bestselling series, The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices series. This story in The Bane Chronicles, The Fall of the Hotel Dumort, is written by Maureen Johnson and Cassandra Clare.

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The last installment The Letter has been changed to The Last Stand of the New York Institute (The Bane Chronicles Part #10)

This installment does not have a synopsis

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