Monday, March 25, 2013


The Collection of all the Shadowhunter Tarot Cards (at the moment)

The cards are listed in order of the days they came out (to see the latest card, click here). Above the cards, it is the background information from Cassie's tumblr. The collection of cards have characters starting from The Infernal Devices, The Mortal Instruments all the way to The Dark Artifices. Through these cards we have found some new characters -Julian Blackthorn, Emma Carstairs, Cristina Rosales, Livia and Tiberius Blackthorn- that I'm sure we will love as much as The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices crew.
Cassandra Jean is doing a set of Shadowhunter Tarot cards, starting with the characters from the Dark Artifices. (Isn’t Jules adorable?) They don’t have the same titles as the Major Arcana of the real Tarot, but you can see by their numbers what cards they match up to (Julian, #4, matches The Emperor.)

More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! (I asked her to do the TDA characters first, so the cards aren’t in order.) Emma, the Warrior, matches the Empress card. That’s right, my baby, you look tough.
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! Cristina, looking fierce with her butterfly knife, taking the card of the High Priestess.
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! We’re further into the Arcana, with the characters from other series showing up. Here Will takes the place of the Hanged Man, bound in an impossible situation.
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! Here Jace takes the place of the Strength Card, only as an angel.
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! Here Magnus and Alec, Jace and Clary takes the place of the Lovers Card: just as Love.
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! ...Jem with his beloved violin takes the place of Temperance.
Now with Tessa, taking The Star card! 
In honor of all the Simon-ness today, Simon’s card from Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! Here Simon takes the Sun Card, only as a Daylighter.
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot! Here Alec and Isabelle take the place of the Tower Card, only with the Institute as the Tower in the background.
There are a lot more Major Arcana, but I thought it would be cool to look at one of the suits. The suit of Swords is replaced by the suit of Seraph Blades,or just Blades — Jonathan being King since he’s the father of all seraph blades, Jocelyn as Queen, Young Valentine as the Knight, and Young Hodge (looking rather endearing) as the Page (a card that can turn up meaning spying or betrayal.)
Hi! I’m a huge fan of your books. Can you say more things about The Dark Artifices (it hasn’t came out yet but I already love it).
That is both extremely flattering and makes me feel like eek! The pressure! Okay, well, here are the twins. Livia and Tiberius — Livvy and Ty as part of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot.
Almost all the Blackthorns have the same brown hair and blue-green eyes, but Ty doesn’t look like the rest of him. them has black hair and gray eyes. He’s fifteen and skinny and wants to be a detective. Specifically he wants to be Sherlock Holmes, though nobody else in the Shadowhunter world understand why. :) He’s brilliant and odd, and a few minutes younger than Livvy, who believes it’s her job to protect him, and in fact, protect her whole family, since she thinks they’re all a bit on the hapless dreamer/starry-eyed artist side. Livvy’s very practical. :) 
Here we have the Morgenstern siblings. Clary takes the World card, and Sebastian takes the Death card.
In honor of Clockwork Princess being ONLY ONE MONTH AWAY, two very different married couples from the Infernal Devices as depicted in Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot. Henry, The Scientist, takes the Fool Card, Charlotte the Justice card, Nate the seven of swords and Jessamine the eight of swords (often shown as a prisoner.)

I love Cassandra Jean’s art because she’s so good at capturing character. More in her Shadowhunter Tarot, the six of sword (blades) can mean a long journey, so here is Jem on the way from Shanghai to England.
This seemed appropriate today [the day the Clockwork Princess trailer was released]. The two of blades/swords from Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot, representing “an impossible choice.”
The seven of steles can be ambiguous, so here’s Raphael, the angel-faced vampire with mysterious intentions. He has been the most asked-for Tarot character but we wanted to find the right card for him. I’m so glad people love him so much; he has a very big role to play in City of Heavenly Fire!
Will as the Nine of Steles from the Shadowhunter Tarot. (Yes, we’re going to do every single card for a complete deck. If you haven’t seen your favorite character yet: you will. There’s room for everyone, and repeats of some of the most important.)
There’s a little Clockwork Princes clue in here too if you look.
Slightly less often seen Herondales: the Inquisitor, her son Stephen and his first wife Amatis (Luke’s sister.)
Mark and Helen have a different mother than the rest of their siblings. They have, as mentioned by Alec in City of Lost Souls, “some faerie blood.” [Below], Mark has the Tarot Card of the Chariot, which is for reasons I will not expound on here.
Then comes Julian, who takes care of everyone. Why? Well, you have to wait to find out, but you’ll understand some of it after City of Heavenly Fire. Julian is an artist, and has the Blackthorn coloring like most of his sibs — brown hair and blue-green eyes.
He paints in oils mostly, some watercolor. He’s a “fine artist” which Clary, who sketches and draws comic-style, wouldn’t be considered.
Julian sits on the roof of the Institute and paints the ocean. He paints the things he loves, mainly.
More information about Emma and Cristina (which we've already seen):
After Julian we have Emma Carstairs. *ears swivel about* No, I can’t say how she’s related to Jem yet. Emma is very proud of being a Shadowhunter. She’s very determined, she’s very good at what she does, she trains a lot. She’s also determined to find out what happened to her parents — something else you’ll hear about in CoHF. Emma owns a very important weapon, and in fact the picture below is purposely missing the sword’s inscription.
Julian and Emma are parabatai; they’ve known each other forever. They can communicate almost without talking. They sleep in each other’s beds. They fight together. I tend to think with every pair of parabatai there’s one that grounds the other — Jem grounds Will, Alec grounds Jace, and Julian grounds Emma.
Not that Emma doesn’t have girl friends. Her best girl friend is Cristina, who came to the LA institute from Mexico City. I gave her the card of the High Priestess and surrounded her with roses because that’s the meaning of her last name — Rosebush.
I do remember actually talking to quite a lot of my fans about Cristina! Cristina Rosales’ name is taken from the first name and the last name of two different girls who attended a signing I did in Mexico City years ago. Almost everyone who came up to me asked if I would write a Mexican Shadowhunter girl so I said I would, if they would help me — I wanted to know what Mexican girls wanted out of a character who shared their heritage. worldwidenotes gave me the explicit note that Cristina should be “strong in her faith” so I decided to explore some of the intricacies of Shadowhunter faith through her. I haven’t written a character who is strong in their faith before, and it’s been interesting. I like Cristina a lot — she is shyer than Emma, but very strong and unwavering in her loyalty and morals. She wears a medallion above that says Blessed be the Angel my strength which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight (which is me, as usual, mauling passages from the Bible.)
Cristina is also very dedicated to her family, who are important too. Very important. :)
Then, more information about Tiberius (Ty) and Livia (Livvy) Blackthorn (who we also met earlier):
After Jules in age come the twins, Livia and Tiberius. My best friend had twins a year ago so she’s been telling me about twins nonstop. Sometimes I stare at her twins creepily in the hope that they will yield Important Twinformation.
Ty is the slightly older one, and unlike most of his family, has black hair and gray eyes. He has literally no interest in fighting; he loves mystery books and Sherlock Holmes and wants to be a detective. No one has much patience for a fifteen year old Shadowhunter who wants to dust for fingerprints, so he doesn’t really get along with anyone but…his sister Livvy. They’re very close; for years they had a made-up twin language only they can understand. Livvy is the “protector” because she protects Ty from everything, since he’s hopeless at fighting and she’s a skilled fencer and swordfighter. She also interprets the world for him when he finds other people’s behavior confusing.
New characters: Drusilla and Octavian from The Dark Artifices
The Blackthorns that require the most caretaking are the youngest: Drusilla and Octavian, or Tavvy.
Aren’t they cute? Dru is just about old enough to have a crush, and have one she does (and an important one) — Tavvy is too young to have runes or be a Shadowhunter yet, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a role to play.
Lightwoods, Lightwoods, all around! Robert, Maryse, Alec and Isabelle take the Court cards for the steles/wands suit

Here is the rune suit (taking the place of Cups) — Will and Tessa take the Two of Cups/Recall-Menomosyne rune and Camille, Woolsey and Magnus take the three card and the rune Ludus which means “love played as a game.” (From the suite of Love runes by Valerie Freire.)
Thought some people might have been waiting for this one. :) Magnus and Alec take the Fearless rune in the Suit of Runes in the Shadowhunter Tarot. After all, it was first tested out on Alec!
More of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot (I’m trying to stick to Infernal Devices ones this week!) The Lightwood brothers — family rings take the place of Pentacles, which are often associated with money/corruption of power.
The Lightwoods, then and now.
Well, I can’t always say “ask and ye shall receive” because some cards from CJ’s Shadowhunter Tarot don’t exist. This one does, though! Clary and Jace in the scene from City of Glass where they sleep in the same bed but don’t touch except for their hands. The Eight of Wands/Steles, which can mean headlong progression.
Not all the cards are drawn, but Maia is in the deck more than once. Here’s one. The moon card. (I’m not sure this one is final. A lot of me just wants to give the whole card to Maia and give Jordan a different card.)
It gives even me feels..sneef.The agape rune (“Agape is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love”) based on Valerie’s Love Runes, part of Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot.
Ragnor and the Mortal Sword can both be found on Cassie's website
Oh, Herondale boys. ;)
There were just so many requests for Simon/Izzy it had to be done. They take the Ace of Swords/Blades which can mean unity and breakthroughs. Also Simon is holding Glorious which is definitely worthy of being the Ace of Blades.
““Are we going to see a Jace and Alec card?”
Ask and ye shall!
There is a Magnus card (Magnus is on several cards) above; there WAS a Ragnor card, but Cassandra and I decided to swap it out, so we could fit other characters we felt needed inclusion more — like Sophie. But you can see it there; consider it a prototype.
Magnus takes the major arcana card of the Magician of course; what else?
And this — it doesn’t take place anywhere specific, which is why Jem’s hair color is off, it’s a sort of symbolic image — but it’s a nice idea, isn’t it?

I was saving the Jem and Tessa one because it is VERY SPOILERY. It doesn’t ONLY spoil events in Clockwork Princess, it spoils events in future as yet unwritten books.
Are you really sure you want to look?
By Cassandra Jean of course. Ten of runes: the wedded union rune. (No runes on Tessa, as Tessa’s skin does not bear runes. When she married Will, she wore the runes on a bracelet. On their thirtieth anniversary he had the bracelet redesigned with pearls to commemorate the years.)

As for this scene, I can’t tell you when it takes place. Just that it does. Could be during CoHF, or TDA, or between the two. It could be a written scene, or just something that happens. They are surrounded by daisies here, which symbolize loyal love and patience, and as you can see, Tessa is wearing Will’s bracelet still.
As for all the people who’ve written to ask if Jem and Tessa have kids, or if Tessa decides to be mortal — they could have kids. Jem is mortal. The kids would be mortal. This is a world where becoming mortal if you are not, or immortal if you are not, is nearly impossible and carries a huge price. It makes life not easy, but as Logan Echolls said, they don’t write songs about the ones that come easy. :)
The members of Valentine’s Circle, as depicted in Cassandra Jean’s Shadowhunter Tarot. HELLO, young Luke. I asked her why she drew him so hot and she said he was her favorite character. Hidden depths, man.
illustrations of the TLH characters…
I have a few in the form of Cassandra Jean’s Tarot cards. Spoilers below…
One of the people pictured is one of the other people’s parabatai.

1 comment :

  1. Where can I get a set of these!!!!!!

