Showing posts with label Maureen Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maureen Johnson. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Cover Reveal: 'The Bane Chronicles: THE MIDNIGHT HEIR' from EW

Entertainment Weekly reveals another Bane Chronicles cover -The Midnight Heir. The Midnight Heir is the fourth book to The Bane Chronicles written by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, or Maureen Johnson. The ebook will be available on July 16th. Pre-order the ebook now: ...

Thursday, April 18, 2013


'The Bane Chronicles' Snippets Revealed at the #BaneChroniclesChat

Sarah, Cassie, Maureen all got together with us to chat about The Bane Chronicles online. Here's a snippet from Run Away Queen at the chat: Magnus was taking an unfamiliar route, one that took him through quite a rough patch of Paris. The road here was not as smooth. It was brutally hot inside of his cabriolet as it bumped its way along. Magnus had animated one of his magnificent Chinese fans, and it flapped ineffectively at him,...

Thursday, April 11, 2013


2 New Titles and 1 New Installment for 'The Bane Chronicles'

The Midnight Heir (The Bane Chronicles Part #4) A new short story to The Bane Chronicles: In Edwardian London, Magnus Bane discovers old friends and new enemies—including the son of his former comrade Will Herondale. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles. Magnus thought he would never return to London, but he is lured by a handsome offer from Tatiana Blackthorn,...

EW's interview with Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson and Sarah Rees Brennan for 'The Bane Chronicles'

We have a new official cover for the first installment of The Bane Chronicles and now, EW also has an interview with the fabulous authors of The Bane Chronicles, Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson, and Sarah Rees Brennan! ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First thing’s first: How did you come up with the idea for The Bane Chronicles? MAUREEN JOHNSON: We always have jokes about...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


New Placeholder-cover for The Bane Chronicles: No Immortal Can Keep a Secret

No Immortal Can Keep a Secret (The Bane Chronicles #2) The first installment of The Bane Chronicles is written by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan, and -as the title suggests- they will cover What Really Happened in Peru. (Check out this page for more information about What Really Happened in Peru) Today (Feb. 5th) we have the title and the placeholder...