Sunday, January 26, 2014


Read EW's Interview With Cassandra Clare and an Excerpt from CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE

With the release of the City of Heavenly Fire cover, Entertainment Weekly also released an excerpt from the book plus an exclusive interview with Cassandra Clare.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First of all, what do you think about the cover?
CASSANDRA CLARE: I really love this cover. Cliff [Nielsen] has done all of my covers since the beginning, and I think he has created a unique look that is specific to the series. We talked back in the beginning about deciding who was going to go on what cover, and that this cover was going to end up with Clary and her brother. This is the big face-off. This is the book where she goes up against her brother Sebastian, and he is the big villain. It’s kind of like a Batman/Joker cover. … And in a way, there’s a play of light and dark going on on the cover, and that sets up a big battle between good and evil with Clary standing for good and Sebastian standing for evil. There’s also little clues for the readers who have been reading the series a long time in the weapons that they’re holding, in the necklace that Clary is wearing, and especially in the landscape that they’re standing on. It gives a hint about what’s coming and what’s going to happen in the book.
Read the rest of the interview here.
Click here for the excerpt.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire comes out on this May, 27th. Pre-order a copy now:


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