Sunday, December 15, 2013


Represent the MORTAL INSTRUMENTS and INFERNAL DEVICES Fandom by Voting in The Book Shimmy Awards

Epic Reads is hosting their annual Book Shimmy Awards! Brace yourselves because there is a lot of competition out there; try not have a break down while trying to vote for a book.

Of course, Clockwork Princess and City of Bones are included in this years round of nominees. In fact, Clockwork Princess is included in 3 different categories: Couple of the Year Award (Will and Tessa), The Pagemaster, and the Best of Shelves. While, City of Bones is included in 2 categories: Best Book Fandom, and Best YA-Adapted Movie or TV Show.

To help out with the voting, join us and other fansites for a twitter trending of #VoteShadowhunter on:
Monday (Dec 16), Wednesday (Dec 18), and Friday (Dec20) at 5pm EST


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