Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Finally, the Cover to CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE is Revealed!

After months, and months of hearing about the cover to the final book of The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire, the world gets to see the cover and it was released on television! Cassandra Clare promises to get a better version for us tomorrow so that we can see the cover in all it's glory, but in the mean time:

Hope you didn't get to teary looking at this AMAZING cover. Just in case you missed it, notice how Clary's dress is white? "For death and sorrow, the color's white" Have any predictions?

Also, there seems to be a little dispute going on between who is on this cover? Jace and Clary or Sebastian/Jonathan and Clary?
Here is one opinion from a tumblr fan
Update: Cassandra Clare has just confirmed, it is Sebastian/Jonathan on the cover next to Clary

1 comment :

  1. Too many book releases this year, we’re all spoiled.

    This is beautiful. I hope Clary offs Seb. I honestly do. I also like that she’s wearing white, and Seb dark/black to signify their differences. Good vs. evil, yes, typical but still significant. But we must remember that Clary wasn’t brought up like a Shadowhunter. She may not see white as mourning.

    But we won’t know the true reason until we read the book.

    Great design. I also love that the others the inside cover.

