Thursday, November 7, 2013


CLOCKWORK PRINCESS Named #1 on Young Adult Magazine's Top Ten YA Books 2013

Young Adult Magazine has named Clockwork Princess as the number one YA books of 2013. A lot of great books were in the running, including: Julia Kegawa's The Eternity Cure, Marissa Meyer's Scarlet, so a congrats to Cassandra Clare! Here's what YA Magazine had to say:
It's been a wild and crazy ride for the YA world in 2013. There have been amazing, wonderful new books--new friends to love, worlds to explore, and battles to fight.
Here at YA Mag, we've prepared a fond farewell to YA 2013 with our Top 10 Biggest and Best YA Novels. These are the most talked about and/or well-received... and you should totally check them out!
Check out all the other contenders and make sure you vote Clockwork Princess for Goodreads' Best YA Fiction & Fantasy 2013 too!


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