Thursday, August 22, 2013


MORTAL INSTRUMENTS Stars on JustJared's Spotlight of the Week

As you know, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones came out this week (make sure you see it this weekend!), in honour of that, JustJared has made Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Godfrey Gao, and Kevin Zegers their star spotlight this week.

Lily Collins' Photoshoot

TMICanada's Lily Collins JustJared 13 album on Photobucket
Just Jared: What is your favorite prop from the set?
Lily Collins: The witch light.
JJ: Did you steal it?
LC: I couldn’t, I wasn’t allowed.
JJ: Did you steal anything from set?
LC: I stole my blue leather jacket with all the rips in it. And my Doc Martens.
JJ: What was the craziest stunt that you did?
LC: Ooh! Well, pretty much running around at three or four in the morning with my heels on was enough. But I ran, I had to climb up this fire escape and launch myself off of it, after the vampire lets go of my foot, and I did it in my six inch boots and my mini dress, so I was trying not to show any skin while launching myself onto Jamie, which was interesting.
Read more of the interview here.

 Mortal Instruments Men (Godfrey Gao, Jamie Campbell Bower + Kevin Zegers') Photoshoot

TMICanada's MORTAL INSTRUMENTS Men JustJared album on Photobucket
Just Jared: Do you have a favorite prop from the set of Mortals?
Jamie Campbell Bower: My ring.
JJ: That you stole?
JCB: I didn’t steal it. I asked if I could have it.
JJ: What’s so special about it?
JCB: It’s a huge point when Valentine turns it around. Also, it was probably the smallest thing that I could take. (laughs)
Just Jared: What was your favorite prop from set?
Kevin Zegers: I have these things that are called “tonfas”, which are like a police’s night sticks but they have blades on the end of them.
JJ: Did you take them from set?
KZ: I didn’t. They wouldn’t let me take them.
JJ: Did you take anything?
KZ: They gave me this little thing that has this metal like, what do you call it? Anyway, it’s like this metal dust that’s inside this little jar. So they gave me that.
Just Jared: Do you have a favorite prop from set?
Godfrey Gao: My costume, which I thought was pretty cool. I had two costumes actually. One of them was just a velvet blazer with a lot of crazy designs. It looks silky, but also velvet, and every time you move, it lights up. It’s pretty cool. The bottom, I was wearing my underwear, (laughs), so that was pretty interesting for me. My prop, maybe the towel I had, just to wrap around my legs. I needed that because it was really cold. So that was a warm blanket that I had. Actually, the warlock outfit was pretty cool too. It was like full black, kind of like a demon, a whole suit with a pullover and a black, leather corset around my waist. That was a pretty cool outfit, and I wish I would have used that for maybe my next Halloween costume or something.
JJ: Did you do any crazy stunt work in those costumes?
GG: No, I don’t have any stunt scenes, but hopefully there will be more in the next movie. This movie was just an introduction to the character, I have a few scenes in this movie and Magnus Bane is a popular fan favorite character and it develops into the second and third film as well. It’s just like the books.
Read the rest of their interview here.


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