Monday, August 12, 2013


Listen to Snippets of the 'MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES' Original Soundtrack

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Original Soundtrack by Atli Örvarsson will be out August, 20. Earlier this month, we got a preview of Clary's Theme -which sounds amazing!- a German site has more snippets to this OST.
"He writes incredibly powerful music where you can feel the Icelandic roots surface and he writes beautiful lyrical pieces." says director, Harald Zwart (Google Translated)
Listen to the snippets here.
Pre-order the album on:

1. Clary Theme
2. City of Bones
3. Your Secret is Safe
4. The Clave's Curse
5. Pretty far from Brooklyn
6. Close the Dome
7. The Mortal Cup
8. The Angel Rune
9. Madame Dorothea
10. Magnus Bane
11. Demon Doll
12. Where's the Cup
13. You're a Morgenstern
14. J.C.
15. She's Not A Mundane
16. Valentine
17. Midnight in the Garden
18. Vampires vs. Werewolves


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