Monday, July 1, 2013


Hot Topic and Tripp NYC Representatives Talks About 'MORTAL INSTRUMENTS' Clothing Line with EW

Hot Topic is the official company who is selling The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones clothing line. Their Vice President and General Merchandise Manager, Cindy Levitt, talks with Entertainment Weekly about the feeling of their line.
“Instead of doing the typical T-shirt, lanyard, socks deal we decided to create a whole collection and that kind of stemmed from working with Sony way in advance,” Vice President and General Merchandise Manager for Hot Topic Cindy Levitt explained. “Think like the Mad Men capsule collection at Banana Republic. …I was looking at these stills from Mortal Instruments and just thought, ‘That looks like Tripp.’ Tripp is a major brand for us, with [their] whole punk-rock [aesthetic]. They had [the same] aesthetic that we were going for for Mortal Instruments.”
Tripp NYC's founder, Dang Goodman, wanted to create two different looks. The first, would be more punk, and goth-like items. The second, as more modern clothing (i.e. multi coloured leggings, and a New York skyline dress).
“It’s very much New York, underground, a whole new world,” Goodman explained. “It’s about good and the evil and the feeling of power. When I wear this [gestures to Rune shirt,
pictured above] when I see that symbol I feel good. It’s fashion, but at the same time it means something. When you wear them you feel like you have this inner power. It’s fantasy, which is incredible.”
The clothing line will be available in stores and online July 8.


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