Thursday, May 16, 2013


Static Talks About Lily Collin's 'Fearless' Stunts in the Movie

Lily Collins talks about her stunt training while on The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones set.
Static questions Lily about her connection with Clary's fearless-ness.
I would like to think that I am feisty and fearless. My mom and I travelled to many countries when I was growing up, and I have jumped off a cliff in Paraguay, and jumped off a cliff to go swimming, and I swam with sharks. So, I would like to think that I have done some things. I think I like to take risks, not be unsafe, but like take as many risks as I can.
About Lily's stunts in the movie:
Are you good in unexpected dangerous situations?I’ve done enough martial arts training now and I think I would be kind of good in a situation but I try not to put myself in dangerous situations. I think having been able to play some of the characters that are strong females who get thrown into these positions and have to act quickly and I think I have learned kind of a lot from those characters. And also my best friends and the women that surround me in general, are all really strong females in their own way, and witty as well as physically strong. So I think it’s also about how you handle them intellectually and mentally, and if you go through something traumatic, how do you pick yourself up afterwards? That takes a lot of strength as well.
You mentioned training. What did you do?I trained with a personal trainer for three months prior to filming, and I’ve always been a physical person. I love fitness and stuff, so that wasn’t the hardest part. We did stability and strength training and endurance training, and then with the stunt department, it was the same stunt department who had done Mirror, Mirror. So I really felt close to them, I knew them really well. We did sword fighting, acrobatics, aerial work, mortal combat, martial arts, every day, leading up to filming as well as getting up at maybe 4:30, 5 in the morning before filming to go in the gym and we all went through it together, so we would just get up early and just look at each other and be like, I can’t believe this.
Read the full article over at Static Multimedia 


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