Friday, May 3, 2013


Day 12, 13, and 14: Final Shadowhunter Tarot Cards: Will, Tessa, and Jem

Cassandra Jean has created Shadowhunter Tarot Cards. Some of the cards have been switched out for others (you can view all the ones that are out here), but Cassandra Clare announced on her tumblr that the card deck has been finalized. Each day, Cassie will try to post a new card on her tumblr. There are around 70 cards in total. Some of the cards we have seen before and some we haven't, but be ware, there are spoilers!
I was going to post a card a day but I am several days behind, so these three cards go up together since they fit together thematically.
Will gets the Hanged Man which symbolizes someone caught in a bad situation between impossible choices.
Jem gets Temperance, which means balance, and can mean the blending of opposites.

And Tessa gets the Star, which is an otherworldly card, symbolizing magic. It also symbolizes love, vulnerability and hope.

These cards have been posted before but it’s interesting to reevaluate them again in the light of Clockwork Princess, thank you Cassandra Jean!


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