Thursday, May 30, 2013


Cassandra Clare's Updates on the 'Mortal Instruments' Party (Including her 'City of Bones' Jewelry)

Cassandra Clare is at Book Expo America! She's tweeting and tumblring about what's happening and what is going to happen.
This morning, she stated:
Scary looking Shadowhunters greet me as I get up to prepare to TMI PARTY DAY at Book Expo America. The party starts tonight — there’s going to be rune artists, drinks, food, movie props, shoutouts from the cast, a playlitst put together by Unviversal Republic who are doing the soundtrack, and five minutes of movie footage to share with the partygoers. I am excite, but wish the humidity was not causing my hair to look like Sideshow Bob’s.
Check out this awesome necklace that Cassandra Clare will wear to BEA:
 This necklace matches the one that Jace wears except Cassie has the good luck rune on her necklace while Jace has strength.
So I’m getting dressed for the #TMIParty tonight — much glitter is involved — and I thought I’d share my one piece of jewelry. *points up* All the Shadowhunters in the film got these rune necklaces — you can see Jamie wearing his, blurrily, in the below photo. Each of them had a rune specific to the character. Jamie’s is Strength. Valentine’s is Power. Hodge’s is Knowledge (Jared was super-serious about which rune he got!) and Luke’s is Fate.

After the production, Harald and I got two more necklaces made by the props department. Harald’s rune is Vision. Mine is Good Luck. I’ll be wearing it tonight!
I’ll be tweeting #tmiparty as the party goes on!
Sadly, these necklaces are one of a kind and won't be apart of The Mortal Instruments line at Hot Topic
Check out her fabulous make-up:
via instagram

via instagram
via instagram

Mah hair is blue and purple! #tmiparty (via instagram)


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