Saturday, March 16, 2013


Join the End-of-The-Infernal-Devices project

TMICanada has joined a few TMI-sites (TMI_Columbia, ShadowhunterAR, CDSVzla, and TMI_Institute) to create a end-of-The-Infernal-Devices project.

Shadowhunter, the end of The Infernal Devices is coming, and we have a lot of feels: Angry, Excited, Sad and -to some people- happy. But the point is we all are in this fandom and we have to say good bye in some way. So here is your chance:
Tell us by writing one word on a poster: what do you feel about the Infernal Devices end? We want to know! So take a picture with the poster and send it to this e-mail ( or and when the day comes we're gonna do something really special with that photo. Entries must be submitted by Monday, March, 18th at 12:00 pm EST.


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