Friday, March 22, 2013


Cassandra Clare's Set Diary from 'City of Bones': Day 4

 Check out the whole list of Cassandra Clare's set diary over at On day 4 we get some Magnus (Godfrey Gao) and some more Izzy (Jemima West)!
Day Four: Thursday
Today is a really late start day because shooting went late the night before, and there’s a mandated 12-hour turnaround for cast and crew so everyone can sleep. It’s also the day we have Grace, who is our girl from the Make-a-Wish foundation, on set. It was her wish to be on set for the City of Bones movie. I’ve actually corresponded with Grace before and sent her a bunch of iratze charms, which she still has. I’m so touched she kept them so we have a little moment, hugging and dancing around the costume room. Grace sobers up when she sees some of the Magnus’ party costumes, which are ever so slightly on the naked side. Fun, though. Brocade jackets! Crazy boots! Backless dresses! Sparkles everywhere! Grace winds up with a nicely tasteful look.
The shooting is on location that night in a subway tunnel. The cast has their chairs down on the platform. It’s fairly cold, so there are blankets for everyone. Kevin [Zegers] takes a picture of me with Jemima — she’s almost completely wrapped in a blankie.

Grace is doing her extra work, and she’s adorable. I’m hanging out with her mom when an extremely tall hot dude shows up on set. It’s Godfrey, who has come by to say hi, though he’s not shooting that day. So yes, I get to be there when he meets Kevin. They hadn’t run into each other before. I will keep the magical words they spoke secret, but it may have included the greeting “Hey, dude.” Me with Godfrey:
Rafy, the photographer, comes over to see if I want to be an extra in the scene but Harald says, “No, she’s going to be at Magnus’ party.”
Me: “I cannot be at Magnus’ party. I am not glamorous. Also I will get nervous and pass out.”
Looks like I will be at Magnus’ party


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