Monday, February 4, 2013


NY Daily News on The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones movie

NY Daily News talks about all the YA books-to-movie adaptations coming out this year, and in their list, they have included The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.
Long before Meyer’s books came out, life-long fantasy fan Cassandra Clare decided to write her “Mortal Instruments” series in order to create a strong female protagonist that she found lacking in the genre.
Now, she sees a similar phenomenon happening on the big screen.
“When you talk about the ‘Twilight Effect,” says Clare, “it was clear that all sorts of people would turn out to see what was basically just a really great and interesting adventure movie that happens to be about a girl.” It isn’t only witches casting a spell: “The Hunger Games,” based on the first book of Suzanne Collins’ dystopian trilogy, earned $408 million domestically.
Cassandra Clare tells NY Daily News:
It may not have been New York, but visiting the Toronto glass factory set of “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones,” ended up being “like walking around inside my head.”
The library set, in which a key battle takes place, was filled with painstakingly hand-painted books.
“Then I got to watch them take the place apart,” she says laughing.
“Most and most of the actors did their own stunts,” she says. “So it was really frightening to watch them climb up really high and just throw themselves off these balconies.
“And I ‘d think please don’t die, we have so much left to film."


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