Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Last Day of The Mortal Instruments Set

Emotional Day!
Martin Moszkowicz let's us know the last day of principal photography filming in Toronto is Thursday, November, 8, 2012
The wrapping of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones set  was planned to be on Wednesday, November, 7th, 2012. However, they probably needed more time to film and delayed the set wrap up until Nov. 8th. So now, there are 57 days of set instead of the original 56 days.

November, 7th, 2012 is the last day second last day of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones set.
From Martin Moszkowicz:
Piacture taken on the last day second last day of the set. If you look closely there is a flying biking. It's possible that bike runs on demon powers (vampire bike).

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