Thursday, August 8, 2013


Kevin Zegers Talks About Alec Lightwood and Says "He's Kind of a Bad-ass" with Bello Magazine

Kevin Zegers is featured on this month's Bello Magazine cover. Inside the magazine, Kevin Zeger talks about his upcoming movie -The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones- and the character he plays (Alec Lightwood).
“The thing that I didn’t want was for him to be some generic, prototypical character, what people would expect from the gay character,” Zegers said. “For me, it was about creating a character whose sexuality didn’t matter…I actually don’t think it’s that big of a f**** issue anymore. Certainly not with me, and especially not with the generation that read this book. So it wasn’t something that we really focused on.
But one thing I was aware of was the fact that there haven’t been many great examples of a really strong gay character, one of the leads in a really big movie who happens to be gay and who’s also kind of a bad-ass.”
For more pictures from Kevin Zegers' photoshoot, visit JustJared.


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