Monday, July 22, 2013


Kevin Zegers Tells Dread Central How the CITY OF BONES Movie 'rang so true to the characters'

Here is another Kevin Zegers exclusive interview from the San Diego Comic Con on Friday at the Mortal Instruments press line. Kevin Zegers talks to Dread Central about how the movie does justice for the book.

In one answer to Dread Central's Q&A, Kevin Zegers believes that "[The movie] rang so true to the characters, the story and the essence of the book." Ontop of that, Kevin Zegers explains why this adaptation will be truly amazing: "I realized the incredible amount of talent they were assembling so I knew this wasn't going to be something cookie cutter."
Dread Central: This seems like an exciting world to be part of and something you haven't really ever done before. Was that part of the appeal to you for taking on Mortal Instruments?Kevin Zegers: Oh yeah; this was something totally different for me. And so I read the script and found that I really loved this character. The world was something I thought was super-cool and I knew the books had a lot of fans but I was just hooked in by my character most of all. He was just really interesting; his back story and where he is going throughout these stories is all pretty complicated and challenging which I thought was great. So when I met with Harold and we were able to sit down and talk about it, we were on the same page in a lot of ways and I liked his ideas for my character that it really felt like a small movie being made on a big scale. It felt like when we were making this that we were making an actor's movie that just happened to have all this crazy stuff happening around them. And that's exactly what I was looking for.
Read the full interview over at Dread Central.


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