Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Hit Zone Asks the 'MORTAL INSTRUMENTS' Cast "What was the Most Interesting Part About Being Trained to be a Shadowhunter?"

Hit Zone had the chance to sit down and talk with Jamie Campbell Bower, Lily Collins, and Kevin Zegers about The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. They discuss topics ranging from: training to be a Shadowhunter to the use of the green screen on set. Check out a snippet of their interview:
What was the most interesting part about being trained to be Shadow Hunters?Lily: Well I figure out in the beginning of the movie what are Shadow Hunters, so my skill level isn't as up to par with these guys. I got to learn how to knife fight, which was really fun, I had done sword fighting before in other movies, so switching the blades up was pretty interesting, and in heels, the whole deal, was pretty fun.
Jamie: I worked quite closely with Jean Frenette, the stunt coordinator on the movie, and I was able to go out there a month before we started shooting, and it was great to be able to work with the stunt team to work to hone my skills a little bit and put down a style of fighting, like really have a specific style of fighting that Jay's had. So that was really interesting and exciting for me.
Kevin: Yeah I would agree with what Jamie said, I think because, especially Shadow Hunters, the characters are so defined by fighting and by the way they fight. I really wanted to establish what, a lot of what these characters are is the way they look, the way they are, the way they walk, the way they fight, especially. So it was important to not just have some generic style of fighting. I mean Jean Frenette is incredible anyway with setting things up but, it was very tailored to, Jamie who's very tall, very lean, and sort of the way he moves around, it's very much different than the way I move around. So I think he tailored the way that we fight to our own kind of physical makeup. And then we had Nuno [Capitao de Salles], who's our physical trainer to get us into shape-shape. So it was very much tailored to creating these characters that when you see from afar, because most of the time we're fighting together and there are scenes where you see Jamie and I fighting together with Jemima and Lily and you can tell, even in the wide-shots, who's who by the way that we're moving around, so it was great. And it felt very, it was sort of like "learn this and do it this way otherwise it's wrong". It was sort of like "well you do this thing well, so we'll throw a little bit more of that stuff in there". So it felt more like a team effort than it did, "just figure out how to do these 25, or 150 moves and then just do it the way that the stunt guy does it or we're screwed". It was more "Jamie can do all 150 and then we'll just shoot it with Jamie". And that's what we ended up doing.
Read the rest of the interview over at Hit Zone.


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