Wednesday, June 26, 2013


New 'Mortal Instruments: CITY OF BONES' Merchandise (Cups, Steles, and New T-Shirt Designs, and More!)

We got our first look at Hot Topic and Tripp NYC's Mortal Instruments inspired clothing line last week. Now, Hot Topic has updated their site, and check out the new Mortal Instruments accessories! The line will be available July 8 (in stores and online).
The new Shadowhunter T-shirt:
City of Bones shirts:
Some character shirts:
New accessories:
Replica Stele Pen
They said they wouldn't be selling this, but they even have Jace's Rune Necklace replica .

Replica Stele Key Chain
City of Bones lanyard
Clary Bag

Parabatai Necklaces
Replica of Izzy Bracelet
Angelic Earings

That's just a few examples of the new merchandise they have, go check out the whole list and pre-order on Hot Topic!


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