Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Final Shadowhunter Tarot Cards: Fairchild of TLH and the Morgensterns of TMI

Cassandra Jean has created Shadowhunter Tarot Cards. Some of the cards have been switched out for others (you can view all the unofficial ones here), but Cassandra Clare announced on her tumblr that the card deck has been finalized. There are around 70 cards in total. Some of the cards we have seen before and some we haven't, but be ware, there are spoilers! To see all the official cards so far, click here.
We’ve moved on from the Major Arcana to the minor Arcana — the first suit is the suit of Rings, which takes the place of the suit of Pentacles. Each Rings card shows the family ring of a particular Shadowhunter family and some of the members. I decided to do two today, since I’m way behind on posting these. Above Matthew Fairchild, of TLH, with the ring of the Fairchilds and a carnation flower. Below Clary and Sebastian, both of whom have Fairchild blood too, stand in for the Morgensterns, with their rings.


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