Monday, May 20, 2013


May, 20: New 'City of Heavenly Fire Snippet' With a Green-Eyed Jonathan

Check out this intense City of Heavenly Fire snippet released on tumblr:
His eyes shone when he looked at her, green as spring grass.
He has always had green eyes, said the voice in her head. People often marvel at how much alike you are, he and your mother and yourself. His name is Jonathan and he is your brother; he has always protected you.
Somewhere in the back of Clary’s mind she saw black eyes and whip marks, but she didn’t know why. He’s your brother. He’s your brother, and he’s always taken care of you.
Seems like Clary is getting brain washed or something similar. What do you think?

1 comment :

  1. i think Jonathan has like cast a spell or something on clary to make her beleive Jonathan is good '-'

