Monday, May 13, 2013


Final Shadowhunter Tarot Cards: Valentine Morgenstern in Chains

Cassandra Jean has created Shadowhunter Tarot Cards. Some of the cards have been switched out for others (you can view all the ones that are out here), but Cassandra Clare announced on her tumblr that the card deck has been finalized. There are around 70 cards in total. Some of the cards we have seen before and some we haven't, but be ware, there are spoilers!
Valentine takes the Devil cup because, well, who else really. He is always comparing himself to Milton’s Satan, his last name is Morgenstern (which means morning star, as inHow are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!) his motto is non serviam, etc and so on.
I like that Cassandra Jean has incorporated both the Mortal Cup and the chains that bind Valentine, because he really was always something of a reluctant embracer of evil. More a “ends justify the means” guy than the “burn down the world” villain Sebastian is.


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