Monday, February 11, 2013


Malec as one of the Best Modern Day Couples

Along with Anna and Etienne (Anna and the French Kiss), Hazel and Agustus (The Fault in Our Stars), Percy and Annabeth (Percy Jackson series), Katy and Dameon (The Lux series), Tris and Four (Divergent series), Malec (Magnus and Alec) are listed in Hypable's Best Modern Day Couple list.

Here's what Hypable had to say:
These guys are the ultimate power couple. One is a kick ass shadowhunter, and the other is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Together they join the Downworlders and Shadowhunters in a way not everyone appreciates. Magnus is flirty and fun while Alec is a little more reserved about the relationship, but each has a love that knows no bounds. While things may seem rocky for this couple now I think everyone holds out hope that they will be reunited.
Check out the other 5 couples on Hypable.


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