There is so much news about the City of Bones movie this Valentine's Day (for a full list check out this page), here's another article explaining why Jace and Clary are 10 of the All-Time Favourite YA Couples.
from Entertainment WeeklyFirst Encounter: Clary stumbles upon Jace at NYC nightclub Pandemonium while he and his fellow Shadowhunters attack a demon. Clary's introduction to the Shadowhunting world is only a peek at Jace's enigmatic character.
Defining Moment: The two have a classic will-they/won't-they relationship, each finding the other slightly annoying in the beginning, but they finally share a swoon-worthy kiss in the Institute's Greenhouse in the first book, City of Bones.
Relationship Challenges: At the end of City of Bones, Clary and Jace discover they share the same parents, Valentine Morgenstern. (Yeah, we were grossed out too.) Incest ranks pretty high on the list of relationship complications, and they have to make the switch from couple to siblings. Additionally, Clary's best friend, Simon, has feelings for her completing yet another quintessential YA love-triangle.
Why They Work: Eventually Clary and Jace learn they are not, in fact, related. Whew! With that barrier out of the way, they can continue on with their passionate, near-obsession with each other. Things are never easy for them (see: City of Fallen Angelswhere Jace is controlled by the demon Lilith and dreams of killing Clary) but nothing is ever easy for the Shadowhunters. There's still one book left in the series, but we're pretty confident that they'll make it all work in the end.
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