Sunday, October 6, 2013

Catch up on the Latest Women of the Shadowhunter Universe Calendar Pictures

This Women-of-the-Shadowhunter-world Calendar originally started with Men of the Shadowhunter Universe Calendar. These calendars are drawn by illustrator, Cassandra Jean, with the help of Cassandra Clare.
So the beautiful Cassandra (NOT me, Cassandra Jean) as you know collaborated to create a calendar of the TMI/TID/TDA/TLH boys — Men of the Shadowhunter Universe, I guess — and while I don’t know what we’re going to do with it yet, we decided to do a matching calendar for the girls. Cassandra wanted to work with classic pinup poses, so here’s Grace from TLH being ice queen January, and Helen and Aline being February 2014, celebrating Valentine’s Day*. Lookit Helen’s cute pointy ears!

*But not the way Valentine celebrates it.

More calendar pics! March Cecily and April Maia — I put them alongside March Will and April Matthew for compare and contrast. Everyone looks gorgeous thanks to Cassandra Jean.
Tiny wubbins baby wolf!
(Click to enlarge pictures)

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