Friday, March 15, 2013

Collection of Teasers from the Clockwork Princess Blog Tour

In honor of 1 week until Clockwork Princess, Simon & Schuster started a Clockwork Princess teaser blog tour. At each stop, a teaser with Cassandra Jeans illistration was released. In addition to the teaser, one lucky Shadowhunter would win a limited edition Infernal Devices book mark and a copy of Clockwork Princess. (US only)

Day 1: Mundie Moms

Will urged the horse toward the stable doors and, bending his head against the wind, galloped out into the night.
Woolsey threw himself into a flower-patterned armchair while Magnus moved toward the fireplace and leaned against the mantel, the very picture of a young gentleman at leisure.

Day 2: Novel Novice

Tessa, glancing quickly from side to side to check for traffic, dashed across Blackfriars Bridge.
(Check out Tessa wearing modern day clothes)
He tasted like snowflakes and wine, like winter and Will and London.

 Day 3: Good Choice Reading

I am not good with words, so I wrote how I felt about you in music,’ said Jem.

Gabriel Lightwood leaned against the wall inside the Institute doors, his jacket gone, his shirt and trousers drenched in blood.

Day 4: Katie's Book Blog

"So you lied?" Seizing up her fallen cap, Sophie rose to her feet. "Do you have any idea how much work I have to do, Mr. Lightwood?"
"I’ll train with you," Will said.

Day 5: The Story Siren

Cecily held her blazing seraph blade out in front of her; she looked absolutely fearless.
Jem brought his hand up and cupped her cheek. She could see the hope in his expression, slowly dawning.

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