Saturday, March 9, 2013

'Clockwork Princess' Chapter Titles Released

Only 10 Days until Clockwork Princess and now here's another reason to get super excited; Cassie provides us with the Chapter Titles! The Prologue can be read on the Shadowhunter App, and the first chapter can be read online. Check out the titles bellow:


1) A Dreadful Row

2) The Conqueror Worm

3) To the Last Hour

4) To Be Wise and Love

5) A Heart Divided

6) Let Darkness

7) Dare to Wish

8) That Fire of Fire

9) Graven in Metal

10) Like Water Upon Sand

11) Fearful of the Night

12) Ghosts on the Road

13) The Mind Has Mountains

14) Parabatai

15) Stars, Hide Your Fires*

16) Only Noble to be Good

17) To Lie and Burn

18) The Infernal Devices

19) Burning Gold

20) Thunder in the Trumpet

21) Than Any Evil

22) The Measure of Love

Epilogue: Present Day

*A lot of people think this is a Mumford and Sons reference, but they’re actually referencing Macbeth: “Stars, hide your fires/let not light see my black and deep desires.”

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