Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan. 24: New City of Heavenly Fire snippet

Round 5 of The MTV's Movie Brawl got extended to tomorrow (Jan. 25)
Oh, pffbt. Well, if they’d ended the poll today as was originally going to happen, TMI would have won (not that I know what will win tomorrow, as only Magnus can see the future) so I think you guys deserve something for your loyal votenating.
So, a small snippet from City of Heavenly Fire:
Magnus rolled onto his back and put his feet up on the arm of the sofa. “What do you care if Alec’s miserable?”
“What do I care?” Jace said, so loudly that Chairman Meow rolled off the couch and landed on the floor. “Of course I care about Alec; he’s my best friend, my parabatai. And he’s unhappy. And so are you, by the look of things. Takeout containers everywhere, you haven’t done anything to fix up the place, your cat looks dead —“
“He’s not dead.”

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