Monday, January 28, 2013

Cassandra Clare's tumblr background aka: The Place Holder Art for The Bane Chronicles

The Bane Chronicles are coming out in less than three months and now we have some Bane cover art!
This was found on the background of Cassandra Clare tumblr page this morning, and later today, Cassie and Sarah Rees Brennan (co-author of The Bane Chronicles) confirm it is the place holder art of The Bane Chronicles. 
Here's what Cassie had to say:
Rule of thumb: THE SHADOWHUNTERS OF TUMBLR NOTICE EVERYTHING! Yes, that is the placeholder art for the Bane Chronicles. It isn’t the final cover, because they have to shoot a model for that, but it’s Magnus’ wizardy hand shooting blue fire, so that’s something!
And here's what Sarah Rees Brennan had to say:
You guys noticed this. ;) Isn’t it pretty? Magnus’s colour is totally blue, and also I just think—well, I have never been part of such a FANCY endeavour before, so I was excited to behold this. A placeholder cover of great prettiness before the cover of great foxiness! (Trust me it will be.)

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