Monday, December 17, 2012

Get Your Name in City of Heavenly Fire

Donate $15 and Enter for Your Chance to Get Your Name in City of Heavenly Fire
First of all, the Project for Awesome is a charity drive where the YouTube community comes together to raise both awareness and money for charities. It’s been going on every December since 2007, was started by John and Hank Green, and raised over $70,000 last year.

And THIS year, Cassie is doing something special for it.
By donating $15 to  Project for Awesome, your name to gets put into a pool of names, if your name gets Kissed or Killed (chosen), you will get your name in City of Heavenly Fire.
If you win Kiss/Kill, you get, your name in City of Heavenly Fire. You can choose to get kissed or killed, but the person who kisses or kills you will be a surprise!
As a bonus, by donating, you will get a copy of a short story by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black.

Donate now!

Reblog Cassie/Holly's post on tumblr to let all your friends know!

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