Sunday, November 4, 2012

News from Cassandra Clare signing at Indigo

Experience on Cassandra Clare Signing on Saturday, November, 3rd
I was so pumped for the signing; I painted my nails, got my book in hand, and dressed in black

I got there at around 11 am (I would've been earlier but, the traffic was so bad it was like a parking lot). Indigo, put us in the aisles of the books. After waiting for 3 hours, Cassandra Clare finally arrived at 2 pm.
She told a hilarious story about the cast (My re-telling won't be word for word, so it won't be as funny):
  • Jamie (Jace) and Jemima (Isabelle) have both finished the series
  • Everyone else is on the 2nd and 3rd book
  • Kevin (Alec) is in the middle of City of Ashes and asks Cassandra Clare: how much stuff do me and Godfrey (Magnus) do?
  • Cassandra Clare: a lot
  • Jemima: ya, it's like 50 Shades of Gay
She released some interesting news:
1. About the books:
  • Sebastian cannot be saved
  • Gabriel, however, may be redeemable because he has not killed anyone
  • Clockwork Princess is the last book of The Infernal Devices, but Cassandra Clare announced that more is revealed in Lady Midnight -the 1st book in The Dark Artifices (coming out 2015).
  • In City of Heavenly Fire will have more Malec (Magnus and Alec) and Sizzy (Simon and Isabelle) drama
2. About herself:
  • Her favorite rune is fearless because it allows you to do something you would not normally do; it takes away the fear that stops you from doing what you want to do
  • When asked Team Will or Team Jace, she answered: Team Will!
  • She saw the trailer for "City of Bones" movie and says it is amazing
  • (As we saw in the Much preview) Cassandra confirms she did a cameo (she was in part of the movie). She is at Magnus' party, dressed up as a cat, while hanging out with some demons.
  • People ask her about the location of the movie set ALL the time, but she can't answer because movie producers/mangers' want to keep the location quiet.
  • @humilityc tweeted "I asked Cassie in the green room which artist she wants on the soundtrack & she said Florence + the machine!..."
We all got a rune tatoo and a "City of Bones" movie bookmark
 Conveniently, it matched my nails. :P

After re-setting up the stage, the signing... began!
 (Sorry about the blurry photo's -should have brought my camera camera, not cellphone camera)
We were each given 2 stick notes because Cassandra Clare would sign all our books but only personalize 2.
Indigo gave each of us a number, I was 17. We were organized into groups of 20, and they would start calling up numbers. There were SO many people by around 3 pm they had to cut off the amount of people that would get a signature! Around 4: 45 pm, they reduced the number of books signed to 4. Then at 5 pm they reduced the number of books to 2! FINALLY, at 5:30 pm, I met Cassandra Clare and got her to sign City of Bones! Waiting for 6 hours, totally worth it :D

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