Friday, November 16, 2012

Harald Zwart Answers on Twitter

Friday, November, 16th Harald Answers Questions on Twitter

The director of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Harald Zwart, answers questions on twitter through #AskHaraldCoB
We've rounded up the questions related to City of Bones:

About the trailer:

Who says 'There is a map inside your head, Clary' in the trailer?

  • Those words are coming from Magnus

How did Harald get the idea to give Isabelle a flamethrower?

  • It was an image I liked and it seemed to fit Isabelle. It works great when she's fighting at the end 
How did Harald get the idea for the angelic rune in Clary's coffee?
  • It came after a creative conversation with my brilliant conceptual artist Nikolai Lockertsen. 

About shooting the movie:

What has Harald’s favorite set been so far?
  • I loved shooting in the Library. The set was inspired by Jules Verne. City of Bones was amazing as well 
What is Harald's favourite setting on the movie?
  • I loved shooting the greenhouse 
About the Cast:
  • From the first day we had a great time. They are all very professional and the sweetest mundanes 
About filming:
  • It ended yesterday, so I don't really know yet. I know I will miss it. It's been a great experience. 
How many takes did it take for Jamie to nail sliding across the hood of the cop car?
  • Three takes. The first one was great. The rain made it more complicated for the camera so we did a few more. 
The most fun scene
  • Hotel Dumort 
The funniest person in cast
  • Lily and Jamie made the crew laugh many times. Lena got the giggles when she was fighting with a frying pan. 
Were some of the pieces especially made for the movie?
  • Yes, most of it was designed and made for the movie. Gersha our designer is fantastic!

About the movie:

About the book to movie adaptation:
  • When you make a movie you always have to make some changes. We worked closely with @cassieclare. She's great. 
Describing City of Bones in 1 word
  • thrillingactionepicromancescarecharacterdrama - does that count as one word? 
Describing Godfrey's costumes:
  • He forgot to put on his pants. 
About the composer for “City of Bones” movie:
  • We're very happy to have Gabriel Yared. Listen to his music and you'll understand 

About the book:

1 word to describe the book:
  • Hardtoputdown 
Did Harald know about the City of Bones fandom before the movie?
  • Now I know and share your passion. Personally I chose the material because it's cinematic and a great story.

About Harald:

Which character he would want to play?
  • Madame Dorothea. 
His favorite rune
  • I like the design of the rune of quietude

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